domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015

Carl Jung Memories, Dreams and Reflections

Carl Gustav Jung was born on July 26, 1875, in Kesswil, Switzerland, the son of a Protestant minister. At the age of four, the family moved to Basel. When he was six years old, Carl went to the village school in Klein-Huningen. His father also started teaching him Latin at this time. During his childhood, Jung preferred to be left alone to play by himself. He was happiest when he was in isolation with his thoughts.
As Jung grew older, his keen interest in a large variety of sciences, and the history of religion made the choice of a career quite difficult. However, he finally decided on medicine, which he studied at the University of Basel (1895–1900). He received his medical degree from the University of Zurich in 1902. Later he studied psychology (the scientific study of the mind and its processes) in Paris, France. Carl Jung was best know for studies of the human psyche, dream analysis, the collective unconscious and archetypes.
Carl Jung in the book "Memories, Dream and Reflections" talk about cultures of many centuries, your point of view of the centuries, comportment of people. In the first part of Chapter 9 of Memories, Dreams and Reflections, Jung calls his part travels and there relations to dream and understanding. In a part of this Chapter, in "Pueblo Indians", Carl Jung studied your Journey, him observed the city and identified cultures, bielefs, of the peoples of the Pueblo Indians. Also, Jung studied the psychological behavior of the people in this city.

"Who looks outside, dreams; 
who looks inside, awakes."
-Carl Jung

5 comentarios:

  1. Nice post, I would recommend some more proof reading because there are some ortografic errors. Also I liked the quote you put at the end.

  2. Nice post, I would recommend some more proof reading because there are some ortografic errors. Also I liked the quote you put at the end.

  3. I would like you to talk more about the lecture but overall, great way of ending the post.

  4. I love that you put some of his life details, but I think that your should talk a little bit more about your perspective of the Pueblo Indians, the part of the lecture that we were assigned in the class.

  5. Nice blog. You should expend what your saying.
