martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

Finally, my blog

Thought of this semester, in my class of Journey in Literature, I had a realized a page and I redacted many blogs. This blogs are about of my life, autobiography, my feelings, and other things in relation with the class. Never I realized this page, is my first time in used this page. All this I liked very much because with this I could expressed very much. I could talk about many things, and knows many new things. 

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015

Jamaica Kincaid, A small place

A Small Place is a part fictional and part autobiographical novel published in 1988 by Jamaica Kincaid. The work is an indictment of the Antiguan government, the tourist industryand Antigua's British colonial legacy. After experiencing a frustrating and complex childhood, Kincaid expresses her opinions about Antigua, a small Caribbean island. The book can be viewed as composed of two parts. In the first part, the narrator describes the typical tourism experience and how tourists perceive Antigua. In the second part, the narrator talks about colonial Antigua as remembered from childhood experiences and the legacies of colonial practices in present day, post-colonial Antigua.
Kincaid was born in Antigua then moved to the United States. Reflecting back to her childhood, Kincaid shares her ideas about the American and European inhabitants. In this poetic style of writing, Kincaid grasps the reader's attention by vividly raising questions in our minds as she describes her own.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

Tourist in Culebra for a Day

I will be a tourist for a Day in Culebra, Puerto Rico.  The  beautiful small island outside of Puerto Rico, but it belong here.  In Culebra was the more beautiful beaches in the world, the places more touristic, the cultures more typics.  
I visit the Flamenco beach, I love this beach.  The water is amazing, blue as sky.  Culebra is localized near Vieques, Puerto Rico. This island was localized outside of Puerto Rico, for this, this island have a culture very different a "Isla grande".  Puerto Rico is named "Isla Grande" because here was all the city.  I feel a tourist for this tree days.  The night in Culebra is amazing. The moon see very different. The people is very different, in Culebra the people is very connected.  Others people in Culebra are a family.

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015

The Geography of Bliss

The Geography of Bliss is a New York Times Ballester is written by Eric Weiner.  In this book the author travels for many places, and in this places discuss your experiences about difference in each places. One of the places is Buthan.
Kingdom of Bhutan, is a landlocked country in South Asiaat the eastern end of the Himalayas. It is bordered to the north by China and to the south, east and west by India. To the west, it is separated from Nepal by the Indian state of Sikkim, while farther south it is separated from Bangladesh by the Indian states ofAssam and West Bengal. Bhutan's capital and largest city is Thimphu.
Bhutan existed as a patchwork of minor warring fiefs until the early 17th century. At that time the lama and military leader Ngawang Namgyal, the first Zhabdrung Rinpoche, who was fleeing religious persecution in Tibet, unified the area and cultivated a distinct Bhutanese identity. In the early 20th century, Bhutan came into contact with the British Empire and retained strong bilateral relations with India upon its independence. In 2006, based on a global survey, Business Week rated Bhutan the happiest country in Asia and the eighth-happiest in the world.

domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2015

Autobiography of Literature

My name is Nicole Krystal Nevárez Matos. I was born on November 8, 1994 in Carolina Area Hospital, now known as the UPR Hospital. Currently I have 20 years. I was the second daughter of my parents. My mother's name is Brenda Liz Matos Negrón, 41 years old and my father Efrain Nevárez Sanchez, 42 years old.  I have two sisters named Nadja, 25 years old and Hillary, 19 years old, and my beautiful niece, 4 years old. I have a relationship with my boyfriend named Joel David González Ortiz. Since I was born I was raised and lived in San Juan PR, but at age 15 I moved to Carolina. This is where I currently reside. Since childhood, at the age of 7 years, I stand in the sport of swimming. First I was on the team of "Gigantes de Carolina" and then I moved to belong in the team San Juan "San Juan Caribá". That is what I do in my free time and my passion.  I curse my first academic year at the Villa Granada Elementary School, it formed much of my childhood and growth. Then I study from seventh to ninth grade at Middle School Sotero Figueroa, and finally graduated from the Specialized School of Science and Mathematics University Gardens, Seniors in the class of 2012. There curse tenth to twelfth grade. Currently I study at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, pursuing my 4th year at the Faculty of Natural Sciences. My goal academically is to continue my college career to medicine. I'm stil between two branches within the area of health, cardiovascular surgery or Dental School. Since childhood I have tilted the branch of natural science and health.  Now, the most important for me is my goals, because this is my future and life.  The life in occasions is very complicated but for me is very interesting.  My life always is a journey, an adventure.  Principally, my trips are a awesome adventure. In my life, I realized many trips; with my family, friends; of visit, vacations or only share with the people.  Each trip for me is the better of the world; I can see other peoples, cultures, city, streets, and everything.  For this my phrase is “my trips are an adventure”.  This adventure always is the better adventure of the world.  Each of one person’s represent my “co-pilot”, my others eyes in each of my trips.  My mind is my other life, my other me.  Always my mind ocuped my all perhaps, but this is gratificant. Each one of these things is my life.  I’m complete for this.

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

The autobiograpgy as Naipaul in "Reading and Writing"

Naipaul is a Trinidadian writer of Indian descent best known for novels A House for Mr. Biswas (1961), A Bend in the River (1979) and A Way in the World (1994). His novels, set in developing countries, are known for their pessimistic and cynical tone, often referred to as "suppressed histories." He received the Nobel Prize in 2001 for his novel Half a Life, a story about an Indian immigrant to England and Africa. He has also written several works of non-fiction including An Area of Darkness (1965), India: A Wounded Civilization (1977) and Among the Believers: An Islamic Journey (1981), as well as travel writing and several essays. He was knighted in 1989.  
In the book "Reading and Writing" Naipaul explain many techniques for realized a autobiography.  The autobiography is a biography but himself.  Himself by himself.  This techniques help for organized a autobiography and talk the necessary.

sábado, 10 de octubre de 2015

My Journal Reflection

In the class of Literature I realized a Journal. The Journal is my notebook of all reflection. Principally, in the beginning of the semester I think that this Journal is one more homework but my perhaps are very different of the reality.  My Journal convert in my diary, in my other mind, in this notebook I expressed my feelings, my preoccupations, my days, my good day or my bad days; is my other friend.  With my notebook I feel relax, I feel free.  The Journal consist in my inside and outside. In the inside of the notebook was my feelings, my perhaps, my feel; but in the outside of the notebook I present my life, my goals, my dreams, and the things that I like it.  I like the swimming, sciences, surgery. My big dream is I'm a surgeon, I seen completely realized.

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015

Searching for Forgiveness in Vietnam, Life is a Trip

In the class of Literature we studied a book named "Life is a trip" of the author Judith Fein.  In this book talk about the experiences of life in many trips, studied the culture, the typical things, and behavior of the peoples in many different places or centuries.  Maybe we thinks that because is the same world, the cultures not always is the same, maybe all is very different.  Fein utilized some chapters, and each chapter represent a trip and the life in this trip.  
Location of Vietnam
I studied the chapter 3 with my group, the chapter 3 talk about Vietnam, and how is the life in this century.  The Vietnamese are descendants of nomadic Mongols from China and migrants from Indonesia. According to mythology, the first ruler of Vietnam was Hung Vuong, who founded the nation in 2879 B.C. China ruled the nation then known as Nam Viet as a vassal state from 111 B.C. until the 15th century, an era of nationalistic expansion, when Cambodians were pushed out of the southern area of what is now Vietnam.  In the century Vietnam, the things are very different, this century have your different cultures that make it unique.  The behavior of this peoples are differences of the others centuries.

domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015

“Soy Boricua de pura cepa”

I was born in the smallest and most beautiful island, Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico, also known as "Boriquén" is a unique and special island, which distinguishes us from the rest of the world. Our most famous representative is the "coquí" animal icon of our country. There is no other country like this, there is not. Puerto Rico is a country famous for its beaches, its food, festivals, and more. Where the holidays become longer and where there are more holidays than regular days. Christmas is here until "octavitas" no more, no less; What about the holidays? As I say, "aquí celebramos lo nuestro y lo de to´ el mundo". Puerto Rico is the country where the word diet is difficult to pronounce, as the food of our country is unique and spectacular. Not to mention the "lechón, alcapurrias, bacalaitos, pasteles." The tourist who comes here, stays here. Currently, Puerto Rico is a country with great tourism, and has many beautiful places to visit around the island. 

One of the places you should visit is primarily the Morro in Old San Juan, there are also beautiful places in different towns like Aguadilla, Quebradillas, Ponce, among others. One of the things that distinguishes us as Puerto Ricans are the festivals that take place every year, the most famous being "las fiestas de la Calle San Sebastián". This is a festival held each year in honor of San Sebastián Street in Old San Juan. Here are held dances, parades vejigantes, heads, batucadas, typical things of our country. For the holidays many people visit us from around the world. I am proud to be here, to be Puerto Rican. "Soy Boricua de pura cepa".

Carl Jung Memories, Dreams and Reflections

Carl Gustav Jung was born on July 26, 1875, in Kesswil, Switzerland, the son of a Protestant minister. At the age of four, the family moved to Basel. When he was six years old, Carl went to the village school in Klein-Huningen. His father also started teaching him Latin at this time. During his childhood, Jung preferred to be left alone to play by himself. He was happiest when he was in isolation with his thoughts.
As Jung grew older, his keen interest in a large variety of sciences, and the history of religion made the choice of a career quite difficult. However, he finally decided on medicine, which he studied at the University of Basel (1895–1900). He received his medical degree from the University of Zurich in 1902. Later he studied psychology (the scientific study of the mind and its processes) in Paris, France. Carl Jung was best know for studies of the human psyche, dream analysis, the collective unconscious and archetypes.
Carl Jung in the book "Memories, Dream and Reflections" talk about cultures of many centuries, your point of view of the centuries, comportment of people. In the first part of Chapter 9 of Memories, Dreams and Reflections, Jung calls his part travels and there relations to dream and understanding. In a part of this Chapter, in "Pueblo Indians", Carl Jung studied your Journey, him observed the city and identified cultures, bielefs, of the peoples of the Pueblo Indians. Also, Jung studied the psychological behavior of the people in this city.

"Who looks outside, dreams; 
who looks inside, awakes."
-Carl Jung

About Me

My name is Nicole Krystal Nevárez Matos. I was born on November 8, 1994 in Carolina Area Hospital, now known as the UPR Hospital. Currently I have 20 years. I was the second daughter of my parents. My mother's name is Brenda Liz Matos Negrón, 41 years old and my father Efrain Nevárez Sanchez, 42 years old.  I have two sisters named Nadja, 25 years old and Hillary, 19 years old, and my beautiful niece, 4 years old. Since I was born I was raised and lived in San Juan PR, but at age 15 I moved to Carolina. This is where I currently reside. Since childhood, at the age of 7 years, I stand in the sport of swimming. First I was on the team of "Gigantes de Carolina" and then I moved to belong in the team San Juan "San Juan Caribá". That is what I do in my free time and my passion.

I curse my first academic year at the Villa Granada Elementary School, it formed much of my childhood and growth. Then I study from seventh to ninth grade at Middle School Sotero Figueroa, and finally graduated from the Specialized School of Science and Mathematics University Gardens, Seniors in the class of 2012. There curse tenth to twelfth grade. Currently I study at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, pursuing my 4th year at the Faculty of Natural Sciences. My goal academically is to continue my college career to medicine. I'm still between two branches within the area of ​​health, cardiovascular surgery or Dental School. Since childhood I have tilted the branch of health.